If you are a fan of action movies, of course this artist names familiar to you. Especially when you watch the movie of The Transporter or The Mechanic. Just look at the action in the film, really stunning. Yup, I'm talking about Jason Statham.
Actor who played as Frank Martin in The Transporter and its sequel has a full name Jason Michael Statham, born in England on 12 December 1972. At first Jason was a diving sport athlete. Once, when Jason was practicing at the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre in London, a team of talent scout saw Jason's talent and invited him to jump in the world of modeling.
Then, when he became a model of advertising from French Connection clothing products, film director Guy Ritchie offered him to come into play in the film. Jason's name became famous when he starred in the movie Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, in 1998 when he acted as Bacon. Second film of Jason with director Guy Ritchie is Snatch that emerged in 2000.
This British man now has starred in many movies. I love his action in the movie of The Transporter, this movie is about a man named Frank Martin (Statham) whose job is to deliver packages without asking any questions. But complications arise when he breaks those rules. Because Frank, besides being a professional driver, he was also unable to close the eyes of a crime.
As a man, Jason Statham is also quite interesting to see, though he has no hair but Jason is handsome and sexy.
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