JKT48 is an idol group in Indonesia. This group is the younger brother of arguably the first AKB48 exist in Japan, which are both produced by Yasushi Akimoto her. JKT48 make his selection to recruit members, which will be collected as many as 48 young girls. Of the total of girls who have received, there is one of their most conspicuous, namely Nabilah Ayu Ratna Azalia. Because this girl is the youngest member of the group, which is just 12 years.
Although still very young, or you could say will be a teenager, but in terms of physical and this girl has seen the appearance of an adult. Maybe when people see it the first time, mistaken for a student. Besides being the youngest, she is also arguably the most beautiful of the other members of his JKT48.
Here is a bio about Ayu Ratna Nabilah Azalia.
Name: Ayu Ratna Nabilah Azalia
TTL: 11 November 1999
Height: 152 cm
Blood type: B
Star sign: Scorpio
Apparently he's also been there in the ad Zevit Grow!
Video Perform Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia ( JKT48)
Ck ck ck Cakep bener foto fotonya, serasa pengen kembali jadi ABG
Hasbi Htc : wah ada om hasbi apa kabar om ?
sekarang juga masih muda kok .
kyaaaaaa *mimisan* urrrgh pingin punya pacar dia T.T smoga mimpi ini bisa jdi nyata. she is kawaii na hito desu that i look and i fall in love with her
Fotonya lengkap banget gan ^^ nice ..
Wah kenalan dulu ah :D
perkenalkan sob nama saya Muhammad Refai
mempunyai blog dengan nama Copast Master Web Indonesia
Informasi yang menarik.. izin baca-baca ya
saya harab sobat mau barkomentar dan trima kasih sudah Follow dan berkunjung ke blog saya trimakasi :D
haha pas banget saya lumayan seneng sama JKT48, info soal Nabilanya bagus :D
cantik yah. jadi pengen punya pasangan seperti dia :D
salam blogger dari Kang Nemo :)
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